12 Best Aternos Alternatives with Compelling Performance

by Hashir Zuniga

Best Aternos Alternatives

As a free, reliable Minecraft server host, Aternos stays on top of Minecraft players’ list of servers. However, there are wide choices of Aternos alternatives out there that you must consider.

But, before we jump onto those alternatives, let’s take a quick look at what Aternos actually serves and their key features.

What is Aternos?

Basically, Aternos is a third-party website that provides a free hosting server for Minecraft players who want to have their own server. Through this hosting server, players can comfortably team up with their pals and play multiplayer games on the same server together.

This website is one of the most popular Minecraft hosting servers out there since its operation in 2013. Approximately, there are 13 million users and 400 thousand gamers use this portal every day.

With their iconic slogan ‘Minecraft servers. Free. Forever’, they claimed to be the one and only website to provide everlasting free Minecraft server.

These are some key features of Aternos server you need to know before putting this one up your list:

  • Free use
  • Modpacks & plugin support
  • Full customization
  • 2-core processor
  • Customized worlds

Issues with Aternos

Nothing’s perfect, and this applies to Aternos, too. Based on some user reviews after using this website, here’s the compilation of some of the issues you might face when using the app.

  • Long Queue

Since it’s a free website, the resources provided by Aternos are relatively limited. Usually, the players have to line up in a long queue just to get into the server.

This might not be a problem if you have a high toleration rate when it comes to waiting. However, if you’re not the type to be able to wait in a long line and want to play the game in a rush, this might be bugging you.

  • Laggy Performance

Some users experienced a lag when they tried to login into the server. Unfortunately, this happens several times to users.

Accordingly, some said that this lag is experienced because of the plugins or mods that are used by the users. On the other hand, some also said that the lag is caused by the version and the total players in one server.

  • Limited RAM

Aternos only provides 4 GB of storage space for every user. If your server has more than that number, you’re not going to be able to start a server of your own.

Actually, you can minimize this problem by doing some cleaning here and there. You can delete the unused chunks, worlds, mods/plugins, and region files.

However, this means that you might not get the fullest experience when playing the game using your desirable customization.

Top 12 Aternos Alternatives

1. PloudOS


Similar to Atenos, this website also claims to offer a free and easy-to-use Minecraft server.  

Founded by Erik Groh in 2017, this website is relatively a newcomer. However, this website offers a different set of key features for the users. 

Here are the key features of PloudOS:

  1. Using high-end AMD Epyc CPUS to provide users with smooth performance.
  2. Supporting 5 GB limit of pure SSD storage to support fast loading for users’ worlds.
  3. Giving the users free customizable mods and plugins without any limits—it’s all up to you.
  4. Offering DDoS attacks protection so that the users’ gaming session won’t be troubled midway.
  5. Providing up to 20 servers which can be managed individually by the users.
  6. Offering FTP support which allows users to upload their own plugins, mods, and worlds along with their free server.

2. Minehut


Another fully Aternos alternatives free Minecraft hosting server portal is Minehut. This one is actually released earlier than the above website. 

Founded by Luke Chatton in 2014, Minehut was actually made to serve as a towny server. Then, it began to grow and expand its service and is now the 2nd largest Minecraft server, especially the Java edition.

Here are the key features of Minehut:

  1. Offering 2 free servers for free version.
  2. Providing users with fast track start up time. Thus, the users don’t need to wait in the queue before entering the server.
  3. Large community of 500k monthly users
  4. Wide range of server plans. If you only need to use Minehut for playing with up to 10 players, you can choose the free one. But, if you want to build your own community with bigger RAM and more members, you can choose the Daily, MH20, MH35, MH75, or MH Unlimited server plans.

3. FreeMcServer.Net


Founded by Nuno Facha in 2018, this website claims to offer a powerful Minecraft hosting server with high-end resources. This facility will give the users a high level of gaming performance.

Here are the key features of FreeMcServer.Net that you should consider:

  1. Allowing friends to view users’ server status—online or offline. 
  2. Providing a free MySQL database to support users’ plugins.
  3. Keeping each server’s data safe by backup option.
  4. Allowing users to have their own server’s FTP access to access their own plugins or maps.
  5. Strong team with vast experienced support.
  6. In-house control panel to keep new features updated.
  7. Server sharing for each user’s control panel.
  8. Supporting mods and plugins all at once.
  9. Available for Android.
  10. Providing powerful DDoS protection.
  11. Providing a scalable network based on the user’s demand.

4. GGServers


This Minecraft hosting server portal is Canadian-based founded in 2013. Hence its experience in providing reliable services for the clients and users.

Unfortunately, if you’re looking for a free hosting server, this one might not be the best choice for you. For their service, GGServers charges users different prices based on the version, which are Standard and Premium. 

For the standard version, you have to pay $3.00 per month for the lowest option, which is “Stone” with 12 player slots. On the other hand, the cheapest option for the Premium one is twice the Standard one, which is $6.00.

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Another difference is that in the Premium one, users can access more complete locations while the Standard one is more limited.

Using this website, you will be able to:

  1. Use an intuitive and rich control panel.
  2. Choose various modpacks, plugins, and server types.
  3. Upgrade/downgrade your server anytime.
  4. Upload your own world.
  5. Upload customized server jars.
  6. Change server types.
  7. Add subusers in the control panel of your account.

5. FalixNodes


Short in the budget? No worries, FalixNodes serves you fully free service so that you don’t have to worry about money.

Here is the key feature of this Minecraft hosting server:

    1. Allows users to choose between Java or Bedrock for the Minecraft Edition.
    2. Provides user-friendly features with complete user guide on the website.
    3. Powered by AMD Epyc/Ryzen for excellent performance.
    4. Grants the users to build servers with up to 20 players.
    5. Allows customizable jars.

6. Server.pro


Rather than offering a fully free hosting server, this website provides “Freemium” choice to the users.

The pricing plans are also quite varied and are available per month. The Free one costs you $0 with 2 vCores and 1GB memory. Then, the Premium one offers 2 options, which are Basic with $5, 2 vCores, and 2GB memory and Medium with $10, 2 vCores, and 4GB memory.

The highest option is Pro, which costs you $20 for the High one with 3 vCores and 6GB memory. Meanwhile, it will cost you $40 for the Ultra one with 4 vCores and 12GB memory. After all, the choice is yours. 

By paying those prices, not only you will get a Minecraft hosting server, but also other various game servers, such as Terraria, Counter-Strike, Valheim, et cetera.

7. CubeHosting


Another newcomer Freemium Minecraft hosting server is here! Founded in 2019, CubeHosting continuously provides hosts for more than 6k servers and more than 8k users.

Here are what you will get by using this website:

  1. High performance server with good DDoS protection.
  2. Full FTP access to control your server more conveniently.
  3. Instant product activation—saves time!
  4. Reliable support team 24/7.
  5. Simply designed control panel yet powerful features.

There are 4 pricing plans that you can choose, which are Free Plan (€0/month), Starter Plan (€3/month), Premium Plan (€6/month), and Ultimate Plan (€10/month).

Each plan will serve you with different specifications of facilities. Check out their website for further information.

8. Aleforge 


If you’re looking for a reliable paid hosting server with a wide range of plan choices, this one might work for you.

You can try it out first by using the Free Trial plan to see if this server is suitable for your needs. Then, you can proceed to choose plans with prices ranging from $4.50-$72.00.

By subscribing to this hosting server, you will get these features:

  1. DDoS protection.
  2. Automatic mod installer, such as Twitch, FTB, etc.
  3. Scheduled backups against any data loss.
  4. Unlimited SSD storage.
  5. FTP/MySQL access.
  6. Reliable support team 24/7.
  7. Free upgrade/downgrade plans.
  8. Fast server setup—only 60 seconds!
  9. Your own map usage.
  10. Customizable jars and mods.

9. Minefort


Minefort provides a full-featured free Minecraft hosting server. Furthermore, it comes in handy with its easy-to-use dashboard and features for the users.

Although it is a new platform, it is quite reliable with its quality. This website might be one of your go-to servers, who knows. Let’s take a look at its key features:

  1. User-friendly platform.
  2. Full access into Minefort server.
  3. Able to use FTP.
  4. Fast SSD servers for maximum experience.
  5. Customizable plugins.
  6. 1GB dedicated RAM and open for paid upgrade.

10. Cuberite.org


If you’re looking for a free and open-source lightweight Minecraft hosting server, Cuberite.org is a great pick. This website is compatible with Minecraft Java Edition.

It was founded by FaTruth back then in 2010 under the name “MCServer”. Now, they have developed into a big website and rich in features.

Here are the things that you can do while using this server:

  1. Install and develop plugins on your own.
  2. Play multiplayer games.
  3. Get high quality configurability and performance.
  4. Contribute to the development of the app.
  5. Join Cuberite.org forum and connect with other players.

11. Multicraft


Simple, swift, and flexible. This hosting server will serve you a powerful experience despite its simplicity.

In addition, you will get tons of useful features. Here are some of them:

  1. Scalable configuration and installation.
  2. Fully controllable mass deployment through an extensive API.
  3. Accessible FTP servers.
  4. Customizable plugins.
  5. Easy multiple servers making.
  6. Connect with other players via chat.
  7. Automatic restart after crash.

There is a lot more than meets the eye. Check ‘em out at their website to know more!

12. Bisect Hosting

Bisect Hosting

The last candidate for a paid Minecraft hosting server is Bisect Hosting. On this website, you can choose between Budget Packages or Premium Packages.

For the Budget Packages, the prices range from $2.99-$95.68 per month. Meanwhile, you have to pay $7.99-$159.68 per month for the Premium Packages.

Here are the things you will get from using this provider:

  1. Free unlimited player slots.
  2. Solid dedicated SSD.
  3. Free modpacks installation.
  4. Strong protection from DDoS attacks.
  5. Free dedicated IP address.
  6. 24/7 available support teams.
  7. Custom JAR support.
  8. Free sub-domain.
  9. Free MySQL and FTP access.
  10. Rich and handy control panel.
  11. Daily backups.
  12. Multiple choices of locations around the globe.

Which Minecraft Hosting Server is the Best Pick?

After reading the alternatives to Aternos above, it must be quite difficult to pick your fighter. 

Actually, what you need to do in the first place is knowing your needs and your budgets. If you have already figured it all out, then the choice will be easier to make.

If you are looking for the free one, PloudOS or FreeMcServer.Net are the best deals. These websites give the users a wide range of features and quality-driven performance with literally zero cost.

Meanwhile, if you have an adequate budget and need to actually play with lots of players in bigger memory capacities, you might want to choose between Bisect Hosting or Aleforge.

These websites guarantee you high gaming performance, swift system configuration, and a user-friendly interface for maximum experience in playing Minecraft.

All in all, the choice is all yours. Have fun playing Minecraft with those Aternos alternatives!

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